Cottle-Lean Neighborhood Association meetings are held on the 3rd Saturday of most months. Virtual meetings are held via Zoom and in person meetings are held in the Santa Teresa Library Community Room, 290 International Circle.
2024 CLNA speakers have included:
March 16th--How to Host a Garage Sale
April 20th--
May 18--
2023 CLNA speakers have included:
June 17th--BeautifySJ
July 22nd--Cancelled
August 19th--San Jose's Recycling Program
September 16th--
October 21st--

Cottle-Lean Community Meeting
Join us as Representative Jimmy Panetta, CA-19,
updates us on what is happening on "the Hill" in Washington, D.C.,
followed by
Cordell Bailey discussing what has happened
with the Vision Zero Program. He will also be covering an overview of San Jose’s Department
of Transportation, including its many outreach efforts.
Once registered you will receive an email with the link to
the Community meeting.