Summer Driveway Party
Bring a dish to share and a chair to sit on.
Plates, silverware, water supplied by the
Cottle-Lean Neighborhood Association

Volunteer Thank You
CLNA is a volunteer organization. Each year an event is held to thank the volunteers who have helped make the Cottle-Lean Neighborhood a better place to live. Volunteers have planted and/or adopted trees, helped at Association meetings, National Night Out, movie night at Anderson Elementary, served as Street Captains, hosted driveway parties and served on the CLNA board. Help your Neighborhood by volunteering. Let us know what your interests are.
Driveway Parties
In the past, Driveway Parties have been an excellent opportunity to meet more CLNA Neighbors while having a good time. They have been hosted by an individual Neighbor and held on driveways with no access to the inside of hosts home. The hosting Neighbor chooses the Friday or Saturday evening from May-September, 5-8PM; tables, water, paper plates, napkins and silverware are supplied by CLNA. Neighbors may bring a dish to share if they wish.
National Night Out
National Night Out is sponsored by the San Jose Police Department locally and Police Departments through the United States. Resource tables provide information from a variety of City, County and non-profit organizations. Southside Community Center and CLNA co-sponsor National Night Out which includes live music, free ice cream, games for the children and visits by both the San Jose Police and Fire Departments. Want to help? Let us know.
Neighborhood Walk-About
Street Captains and other volunteers completed a Walk-About on Beswick Drive in August 2018. The purpose of the Walk-About was to inform residents living on Beswick Drive that they are automatically members of the Cottle-Lean Neighborhood Association, and of the upcoming tree planting on Beswick. Help spread the word on the CLNA by volunteering for a Walk-About.
Beswick Drive Tree Planting
CLNA received BeautifySJ grant funds to replace 13 trees on Beswick Drive. Approximately 40 volunteers arrived to plant trees on the designated September 2018 planting date. Eight Neighbors volunteered to adopt a tree, keeping an eye on its’ welfare and watering via the City watering system. In November of 2021 ten trees were planted at Blossom Hill and Poughkeepsie. In 2022, the plan is to replace trees on Beswick Drive that have been removed due to damage from trucks and accidents.